The Esophageal “RFE” Rumen Fluid Extraction System
The Esophageal RFE Rumen Fluid Extraction System provides a non-invasive, efficient method for collecting rumen fluid from dairy cows, steers, calves, goats, and sheep without requiring fistulation. This veterinary-grade system is trusted by dairy farms, livestock operations, and veterinary schools for nutritional analysis, herd health management, and research applications. Each system includes the Rumen-Mate Bucket & Pump and your choice of Rumen Fluid Extractor, ensuring easy, reliable fluid collection for drenching, diagnostics, and transfaunation.
Walter Littlehorn –
The Rumen-Mate is a great addition in the Livestock Medicine and Surgery Service at CSU. It allows us to efficiently collect rumen fluid from a fistulated animal, with only one person. We used to use a syphon method for collecting rumen fluid from our donor animals. However, this method could be quite time consuming depending on the amount of fiber fill in the rumen. The Rumen-Mate is a simple and easy, requiring very little training.