


Compact Bovine Blood iCa Checker by Horiba. Makes cow-side measurement of ionized calcium possible. Detect subclinical hypocalcemia real-time with this easy to use iCa checker.


Drench-Mate has partnered with Horiba to provide a new meter for hypocalcemia, which is characterized by decrease in blood calcium below a normal level and is one of the most common disorders affecting dairy cows at the onset of lactation.

Among the three forms of calcium in blood, ionized calcium (iCa) is the most physiologically active.

To help dairy farmers and veterinarians measure iCa in a cow’s blood samples in real time, immediately after collection, Drench-Mate has introduced the Horiba LAQUAtwin Ca-11C – Cal-Meter Bovine Blood Calcium Meter equipped with a replaceable calcium sensor.

This easy-to-use device allows for the early detection of subclinical hypocalcemia in cows. With its low cost and rapid blood iCa analysis, the meter is ideal for individual animal and herd-level monitoring on farms.

Additional information

Weight 4 lbs
Dimensions 4 × 11 × 9 in


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